Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Rendezvous with my Gymboss
Started with walking lunges 2 sets 50 each, alternating with superset of TRX leg curls and bridging hip abduction. Then squats and side shuffles in a squat position 2 sets 50 each. And then the hard work....
Pick up a GymBoss interval timer |
Here's some ideas for some cardio intervals. Pick a few and shuffle 'em up...
Jump squats
Plyo jacks
Jump forward to lunge
Skater lunges
Mountain climbers
Be creative and keep it interesting! The best way to get a good workout is to create one that inspires you!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Check out my latest article in the July issue of FitnessX Magazine...
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Special Dark Cocoa Peanut Butter Balls
Sweet protein packed treat. Be aware...they are yummy and pop easily into your mouth, you have been warned.
Mix together...
1/8 cup honey
1/3 cup natural peanut butter
1 scoop whey protein
Add a 1/2 tablespoon special dark cocoa powder (Hersheys), stir a bit to create a chocolate swirl.
Roll into 15- 3/4 inch balls and keep in the fridge.
The stats for each 3/4 inch treat:
67 calories, 3 g protein, 7.4 g carbs, 3 g fat
Mix together...
1/8 cup honey
1/3 cup natural peanut butter
1 scoop whey protein
Add a 1/2 tablespoon special dark cocoa powder (Hersheys), stir a bit to create a chocolate swirl.
Roll into 15- 3/4 inch balls and keep in the fridge.
The stats for each 3/4 inch treat:
67 calories, 3 g protein, 7.4 g carbs, 3 g fat
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Backyard Bootcamp!
Backyard bootcamp at my house left more than a little DOMS!
Walking lunges
Skater lunges
TRX leg curls
TRX Hip abduction holding bridge position
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Celebrate your little victories!
Fresh start today, today we look at the world with a new perspective! In the crazy world we live in it becomes easy to get overwhelmed by all the objectives you have yet to meet, leaving us uninspired and lost. Here's a better idea, starting today we celebrate the little victories of the everyday as it is those little victories that push us forward towards reaching the mountaintops. Every success driving us closer to achieving bigger goals. Allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by all that is not done, not accomplished, only stagnates progress leading to further frustration and often finding you are stuck...frozen...Start today, pick a few little things, get started and celebrate the little victories as you go, I promise you will find inspiration in progress. The harder you work the more sense of pride you will earn as you strive to be the best you!
How many little victories will you celebrate today?
Made a clean food swap? Tried a new healthy recipe?
Walking through the kitchen without popping an unplanned snack in your mouth?
Powering through an extra 2 minutes of cardio?
Added 5 lbs to your squat at the gym?
Completing all your scheduled workouts for the week? Sneaking in an extra workout this week?
Remembering to take all your vitamins and staying properly hydrated?
All these may seem like small, just plain daily routine decisions but little victories in seemingly little decisions all add up to moving forward, accomplishing greater goals. Celebrating (with a enthusiatic woo-hoo or a jump for joy :) ...not a batch of cookies! ) little victories can give you just the little boost you need to push yourself and believe you can accomplish a little more, feeding your inspiration, motivation and sense of pride. Believe you can reach those mountaintops and accomplish those goals you have set for yourself!
How many little victories will you celebrate today?
Made a clean food swap? Tried a new healthy recipe?
Walking through the kitchen without popping an unplanned snack in your mouth?
Powering through an extra 2 minutes of cardio?
Added 5 lbs to your squat at the gym?
Completing all your scheduled workouts for the week? Sneaking in an extra workout this week?
Remembering to take all your vitamins and staying properly hydrated?
All these may seem like small, just plain daily routine decisions but little victories in seemingly little decisions all add up to moving forward, accomplishing greater goals. Celebrating (with a enthusiatic woo-hoo or a jump for joy :) ...not a batch of cookies! ) little victories can give you just the little boost you need to push yourself and believe you can accomplish a little more, feeding your inspiration, motivation and sense of pride. Believe you can reach those mountaintops and accomplish those goals you have set for yourself!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
"Pro-Active" Nutrition
Ok, so the blog has been quiet...but I have been busy....
Check out my latest article on "Pro-Active" Nutrition!
Page 49 of the May issue of FitnessX!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Nutrition Planning 101
Creating a healthy nutrition plan can be daunting but nothing changes without change. But invest a little time and you can create a plan to insure success. Let’s start with some basic ideas about creating a nutrition plan you can LIVE with, not a diet that implies short term adherence. Stick with the basics and slowly transition to more detailed analysis as you need or enjoy. The key is to start at a place that is not so overwhelming that you don’t get started.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Easy BMR Calculator
1.55 moderately active (exercise 3-5 days/week)
1.725 very active (exercise 6-7 days/week)
Aim to eat 5 smaller meals per day. You will find a million opinions on this regarding its effect on metabolism but the keeping the fire burning with small meals makes sense to me. Eating more frequent meals is also a lot easier mentally when trying to manage a new nutrition plan. Smaller more frequent meals allow for more variety and the next meal is never far away….
Some ideas to start with:
Sure, the day to day can get tough, especially when 1st getting started, the key is to create new habits. Think about your long term goals when considering a less than stellar food choice. The taste only lasts as long as the food is in your mouth…Is that choice going to get you closer to your goals? Don’t deprive yourself completely but don’t fall off the wagon, be more conscious of the choices you make. Stick with it, you will feel better and stronger!
Know your caloric intake. Here’s the hard part…being honest (with yourself) and accountable….You have to know at least ballpark figures of your calorie consumption to find a starting place. If it’s not working to move you towards your goals then work to change it. The most common pitfalls in caloric intake estimation include “portion distortion” and “mindless snacking/snacking amnesia.” It is worth the time spent reading labels, measuring foods and keeping a log for at least a few days until you have a better handle on the truth of how much you are consuming.
Know your caloric needs. The intention is not to become calorie obsessed but you need to have a basic idea of how much your body needs for basic function. Losing fat is not about severe calorie restriction but about finding calorie balance to allow you to increase activity and energy levels while creating just enough calorie deficit for healthy fat loss.
Women: 655 + (4.35 x weight (lbs)) + (4.7 x height (in)) – (4.7 x age (years))
Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight (lbs)) + (12.7 x height (in)) – (6.8 x age (years))
Then add in any calories burned by exercise or multiple by activity multiplier.
1.2 sedentary
1.375 lightly active (exercise 1-3 days/week)1.55 moderately active (exercise 3-5 days/week)
1.725 very active (exercise 6-7 days/week)
Include a lean protein, complex or fibrous carb and healthy fat with every meal. The body needs protein, carbs and healthy fats. Do not eliminate any of these macronutrients; just make healthier choices in each group. By including a combination of healthy choices or each macronutrient digestion rates are slowed down providing a steady supply of energy rather than creating a cycle of energy spikes and crashes.
Some ideas to start with:
- Protein: tuna, skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, chickpeas, eggs/egg whites.
- Complex carbs: potatoes, yams, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, whole wheat products.
- Fibrous carbs: lots of veggies, leafy greens!
- Healthy fats (watch portions…calories add up quickly): nuts, nut butters, olive oil, flaxseed/oil.
Avoid processed foods. Consider food choices that have the fewest steps to get the food from the plant, ground or tree to your hands. Choose those that have the least number of ingredients on the label. And remember….you can eat a lot more food within your daily calorie budget if you stick with clean foods!
Be an educated label reader.
- Look at the ingredient list. Can you pronounce everything on the list? Order does matter here, early in the list means more in it. Products advertising whole wheat should say 100% whole wheat and whole grains should be the 1st ingredient on the list.
- Be aware of portion size and calories. It may be a healthy choice but not gonna work with the plan if you eat a whole multi serving package.
- Avoid saturated fats. These are most prevalent in processed foods. Check for hydrogenated in the ingredient list.
- Watch for added sugars.
- Check out the Nutrition Facts Label Program on the FDA website to become a more educated label reader.
Labels provide a lot of enlightening information! Might change your mind about some eats after seeing what you are really eating!
Taking the time to create a healthy nutrition plan and being an educated food consumer is an investment in your life. Are you ready to get started?
Friday, January 6, 2012
Is the lack of time or lack of focus?
Short rant over....
Seriously, this is your life, your health and the health of your children we are talking about. Make exercise and healthy eating a priority, schedule an appointment with yourself before you overbook your days! Take a look at how effectively you use your time. The effectiveness of multitasking is debatable....but try organizing your day making a 'priority list' and just get started! Look at the ultimate time eater...running errands...plan ahead and complete these geographically, save time and gas and maybe hit the gym if the days paths travel by... :)
Don't know about you but the to-list haunts me...never completed and often overwhelming. Stop worrying about finishing it just get started, amazing how much better I feel after just checking off a few things, fueling the fire to continue on with a productive day. On the topic of to-do lists, the daily workings of life and a household can often clog up the to-do list as they are a rolling daily requirement...laundry, meals planning and preparation, dishes, cleaning etc. Try leaving them off the list, stay with me....make them part of routine....laundry basket full? Toss the load in, don't wait for laundry day and waste a Saturday in the basement. Same with dishes, wash them or get them directly to the dishwasher after every meal, no one wants to look at a sinkful of dishes when they get home from work. Meals and dishes...spend a little extra time once to save time overall by preparing meals ahead. Pots dirty once, lunches prepacked and... ready for this one? You've already made healthier choices for the week, no more running out to buy something quick and greasy because you didn't have time to make lunch. Sounds like a win, win, win to me.
Clutter....another clog to the household to-do list, always something where it doesn't belong, in the way of something else and before you know it...sloped corners in all the rooms and slanted horizontal surfaces everywhere you look. Overwhelming and stress inducing! Create a system....again a little time investment initially but saves in the long run. Junk mail...recycle immediately! Do not start a pile, anywhere at anytime...they multiply! Stuff....everywhere...try this:everytime you make a pass across the room, take something with you, return it to it's proper place, the little bits along the way make for fewer overwhelming tasks eating up your weekends!
My lesson here.....KEEP UP, STOP WASTING TIME TRYING TO CATCH UP! Allowing things to get out of control lands you with overwhelming tasks that lead to stress and avoidance and tasks that are even more overwhelming. Same is true for starting tomorrow on your plans to be eat healthier and start exercising, the longer you wait, the more overwhelming it can be, slowly the pounds continue to creep up, the poor diet just feeds upon itself. Stop the cycle now! Dig in your heels, get started, make the time to get organized and get healthy and in the long run in more than one way you will have given yourself the gift of time!
We all have the same 24 hours to work with, this difference lies in how you use it!
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